Portland Table Tennis Club With Peace and Pong


Portland Table Tennis Club is a non-profit  located at 1720 SE Haig, Portland OR. 97202.  Tax Id Number 911473327   Open 10-AM-9PM 7 Days per week. Please check this site on snow days if you want to know if we are open.


Our Mission

The Portland Table Tennis Club accommodates all-levels of play, providing training and competition in a welcoming, respectful  and supportive environment.  We help athletes of all ages achieve their highest potential and become life-long table tennis players.  We facilitate happiness and Community.



Drop by and play – we will find you a partner if  you need one. No membership is required for walk-ins/drop-ins, (though we encourage membership whenever possible).

We welcome players of every level.  Do drills with your friend or play  matches or doubles.  There is  a robot for practicing.  Balls and paddles are provided (or use your own).




Portland Table Tennis now partners with Peace and Pong.  Jeff Mason from Peace and Pong is one of 2 (USATT Current Certified NATIONAL) coaches in Oregon and currently one of 27 (US National coaches) in the entire USA.  Come signup to take a class from Jeff.  Classes are provided on Wednesday and Friday evenings ($100 for the 6-week class) with Sunday mini-camps for Novice-Intermediate levels as well as mini-camps for Advanced players ongoing.  Competitions follow the classes (7-9 PM) on Wednesdays and Fridays for a cost of $5 per competition. If you’re enrolled in a class, all Wednesday and Friday competitions are free. Please contact Jeff at  jeffmasontabletennis@gmail.com if you are interested in signing up for classes or competitions. You can also go to the Peace and Pong website at https://www.jeffmasontabletennis.net/ for more information.

Club Championships

Club Championships are held weekly, on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. Ratings are provided which will go up when you win and down when you lose. It is for all levels of play.  You will be matched with players of your level. Click below to see the latest results.

There is a $5 charge for the Club Championships, (in addition to the normal login facility pass) .

Club Championship Latest Results

Address: 1720 SE Haig, Portland OR.

Portland Table Tennis Club is a non-profit and a true club.  We have no employees.  It is run by volunteers.  Come join our club and help us make it the best place to play.


Please note that classes and competitions are paid for separately from use of the club facilities.  When you enter, you will login and pay for use of the facility.  All classes and competitions are paid for separately.  If you have a class, or if you are playing in a competition,  please see Sandy or the administrator to pay for the competition or for your class.

Peace and Pong Rates:

All classes and competitions organized by Peace and Pont are in addition to the facility pass and should be paid to Peace and Pong ($100 for 6-week classes, $5 for competitions if not in a class).

Facility Rates  

Everyone using the facility must have a pass.  Passes may be purchased during the login procedure.  The Facility rates are based on the type of pass you choose to purchase.

 Facility passes

  • $10 drop in
    This covers just one day of play.
  • $55 Monthly pass
    This covers 30 days of play from the date of purchase
  • $75 Peace and Pong Pass if in a Jeff Mason Class ($50/month)
    This covers 42 days of play from the date of purchase for training classes.
  • $85 – 10 times pass – Good for 1 year of play (10 times)
    This covers 10 days of play (not necessarily consecutively) anytime within one year of  the date of purchase.
  • $150 3 month pass
    This covers 90 days of play from the date of purchase.
  • $580 Yearly Pass
    This covers 365 days of play from the date of purchase.
  • $65 Family Pass for one adult and up to 2 children under 12.
    This covers 30 days of play from the date of purchase for a family up to 3 people.
  • $24 Introductory Pass –Only available to people coming to the club for the first time. This covers 6 days of play (not necessarily consecutive) anytime within one year of purchase.

All passes entitle you to play whenever we are open.  We do not want to turn anyone away.  Come talk to us if you need a special arrangement due to your financial situation.